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Friday, August 3, 2012


Hi, my name is Crystal and I love to make things!

I grew up with a very crafty grand-mother and a detailed mother who sewed. From a very early age, I was put in a very creative environment. I spent years sitting around my grandmother's dining room table coloring, pinning and cutting to everything from ornaments to hang on the tree to stuffed animals. In fact, I think I was somewhere around nine years old the first time I used my grandmother's antique sewing machine. My own mother used to make dresses for us for all sorts of occasions like princess costumes for Halloween or floral church dresses for Easter.

As I entered elementary and middles school, I learned everything from basket-weaving from a class I took in 5th grade to watercolor painting which quickly followed. I discovered as I grew into young adulthood, that with a sewing machine I had the capability of designing my own things. So, in college I spent the weekends feverishly making garments. Yes, in an actual weekend I made a white coat! I would scour the fabric isles of the three stores who had crafts in town waiting for new materials to manipulate.

Then, I decided to put this passion to application by majoring in interior design. Soon, I was building my own house and picking materials to install. It was a full building project. My first attempt at designing with new construction. I will post pictures at a later time, but for now the only preview I can give was that I used a very transitional style and looked at designing the entire house to have the same feel.

Well, somehow between then and now, normal life got in the way. I graduated college in the middle of a recession! Can you believe that? All this crafty work was getting very difficult to find a stable job. So what does a girl do? I entered outside business to business sales. I'll be honest, I never really imagined that I would sell infrastructure, technology and communications. But, there I was! As my work career progressed I realized, that although creativity makes a difference in the way a person approaches problem solving, I needed something more. Well, right into my lap it fell! I was given the task to help our company migrate all of it's training curriculum to a virtual environment. This required tons of Powerpoint design, storyboards and new documents. I even shot videos! After the migration to a virtual training atmosphere, I realized just how much I really missed "creating" things.

So, this is my attempt (hopefully it will turn into a success), to follow my passion and teach others just how to "create" inexpensive and simple items. I want the working woman (or homemaking man) to have enough time to decorate, bake and make things that add quality to their life. Essentially, I am looking to impact the environment others live in. Also, I want to inspire people who do not have large amounts of time, but still want to stretch a dollar.

As we begin this journey together, I ask that you share your experiences with me along the way. Feel free to respond to any of my posts, ask questions or just reach out to me via email! I can't wait to hear the things you have to say. Bon voyage as we travel to a very crafty place!

-Crystal Sherard

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